Trip History

This comes from her old website:
Here's her YouTube channel

Marilyn's Picasa Web AlbumMy Travels, year by year:
Trip to Keys with Chris & Chris -Largo Lodge
April: RV Trip to Keys The ride,Key WestDolphins
May: RV Trip to Georgia
July: 80th Birthday with Chris&Chris at Driftwood Inn
October: RV Trip from Louisville to Ft. Lauderdale Visit EmilyRV daysCumberland Island
Mom's RV chariot awaits
Picking Mom up at Willow Wood for trip to Georgia
January: Family cruise to Bahamas
March: With Chris to visit Melinda in Reno/Lake Tahoe
April: RV trip to S. Carolina forRV Dreams rally.
May/June: RV Trip from Ft. Lauderdale to Louisville, KY. Blog posts: Georgia Veterans SP ,Natchez TraceMammoth Caves,Louisville Llama
October: Alaska Cruise, blog1blog2
November: Florida RV Trip,OrlandoPeace River
November: Florida Keys visit Debbie D
Chris and Marilyn New Year's Eve 2010
Marilyn and Chris ring in the New Decade with a Blue Moon

January: Short RV trip to Peace River with Chris and Jim
Traveled with Chris and Jim in their RV from Ohio to Florida.
Video of RV Trip
Video of family history of RVing begins 1962:
June: Western Australia "Australia's Kimberly". See blog post with video clipZegrahm Expeditions aboard the Oceanic Discoverer
September: North Korea withChina Span
October: Cyprus and Jordan. Blog entry with video clip of Petra.
Weekend RV trip with Chris and Jim: Lion Country Safari, more
January: Iryan Jaya, dive trip with Paul Humann
July-Aug: China - Tibet Iron Rooster train ride. Leader: Keren Su China Span
November: Central America, 'Route of the Maya' Overseas Adventure Travel leader: Ruben Gomez
1. February: Indonesia (video)
2. May: Fiji (video)
3. November: Namibia (video)
summer: total solar eclipse,Mediterranean cruise
1. January: Antarctic aboard the ?
2. March: Indonesia
3. May: Iryan Jaya
4. Society of Women Geographers, Savanah, Georgia
5. September: Bhutan 
  1. February: Myanmar and Ocean Rover
  2. July: Dominica w SFUPS
  3. August: Hudson Bay, Baffin Island, Greenland
  4. Burma and Adaman Sea (Myanmar …)
  1. January: Cuba, Salty Dog
  2. February: Kararu, Komodo
  3. March: Prophets Conference in Keys
  4. July/August: Bali and Kararu liveaboard dive trip
  5. October: FAM trip to Tobago diving
  6. December: Ireland w Emily
  1. March: Galapagos
  2. May: Arizona SWG Trienniel in Tucson
  3. August: Spitzbergen
  4. November: Churchill Manitoba Polar Bears
1. Churchill, Manitoba to see Beluga Whales
2. 70th Birthday, Shark Rodeo dive, Walker's Cay Bahamas
3. UFO Congress in Laughlin NV, Prophets conference 
4. Dive trip to Fernando de Noronha, Brazil
5. 'Barging' on a river in France
6. Dive trip to Wakatobi, Indonesia. Tour Bali.
1. Shamanic journey in Sedona, AZ and Prophet's conference in Tucson
2. Long Beach Island, NJ and Martha's Vineyard
3. Liveaboard trip on Thorfinn in Micronesia (video)
4. Dive trip: Indonesia, Bunaken, Lembeh
  1. January: Oahu
  2. March: Africa w Diane
  3. July: Borneo, Sipadan, Sangalaki dive trip with Chris, Jim, Devon
  4. August: Turkey solar eclipse, then liveaboard Gulet
  5. September: Montana Shamanic Circle
  6. November: Coral Sea
  7. December: Christmas on Houseboat St. John’s River

  1. February: Palau, Ocean Hunter and Sun Dancer
  2. April: Peru w Dannion Brinkley
  3. May: Nassau
  4. May: Las Vegas Money Show
  5. August: Venezuela. Dive and land
  6. August: Singer Island
  7. September: Prophets Conference Merida Yucatan, Mexico
  8. October: Asheville w Chris looking for Y2K property
  9. November: Isle of Pines, Cuba, diving
  1. February/March: Total Solar Eclipse, Russia,Mongolia China. Round the World with Emily
  2. June: Cay Sal on Gulfstream Eagle
  3. July: Micronesia, Thorfinn
  4. August: Keys Mini Trip
  5. October: Cancun Cavern Diving
  6. November: China SEZ, Dessauer, Keren Su
1995 - 1996
  1. 1995 March: Far East Financial Expedition. Hong Kong, Vietnam and China
  2. 1995 September: Egypt, Red Sea Diving
  3. 1995 July: Belize
  4. 1996 March: Dolphin weekend in Keys
  5. 1996 June: Papua New Guinea
  6. 1996 November: Fiji
  7. 1996 August: Little Cayman

1993 - 1994
  1. January: Ecuador w Chris
  2. February: Vanuatu to New Caledonia w Paul Humann
  3. July: Liveaboard Shenandoah, Dive trip to West End Bahamas with Chris, Jim, Marie, Diane
  4. Dive in Keys with Computer Savvy Staff
  5. Hogsty Reef Liveaboard dive trip in Bahamas
  6. 1993 October/November: Spain w Emily
  7. 1994 October/November: Solar Eclipse in Chile, Hike in Patagonia w Chris

1990 - 1992
  1. 1990 March/April: Nepal (slides)
  2. 1990 August: Roatan w USA and Chris
  3. 1991 May: Belize and Tikal
  4. 1991 October: Heart of Europe tour
  5. 1992 February/March: Chilean Fjords
  6. 1992 August: Coral Star Bahamas
Pre 1990

1989 July: San Salvador w USA
1989 August: Phantome to Trinidad and Grenadines, Windjammer
1989 October: Saba on Sea Dancer w Chris
1988 June: Costa Rica w Tom
1988 August: Sea Dancer Turks and Caicos w Chris and SF Divers
1988 December: Peru
1987 April: Guanaja Bay Islands, T&M
1987 April: St. Thomas, T&M
1987 July: Grand Canyon rafting w Tom and Chris
1986 March: Merida w Tom and Chris
1986 June: St. Lucia w Tom
1986 November: Ozarks w Tom - timeshare
1985 May: London and Wales TM&C
1985 December: T&M Caribazon cruise
1984 October: Helen Georgia w Tom - timeshare
1982 - August: Cay Sal on Bottom Time with TM&C (Chris' first dive trip)
1979 November: Guana Harbor Bahamas, TM&C

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